Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hobo Days in Britt Iowa

Two weeks ago a friend of mine and I went to Britt Iowa to shoot footage for a documentary on the 2010 National Hobo Convention. It was a great time and I learned a ton! I got the idea from a friend whose wife grew up in the nearby area and he told me about the event. I thought it would be interesting and easy access to all the attendees. It was and it was fun. I video blogged over the four days.

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Chuck Walking

I was shooting a documentary in Northern Iowa in mid-August 2010 when this guy shows up in the town we were shooting in. He introduces himself at this 'open mic' set up as Chuck LaRue. He is walking across the US to raise money for ALS research. I met him Saturday with the next day being the last day of the shoot so I asked him to sit down and let me interview him, I think it turned out well.

Chuck Walking from Joe Cubicle on Vimeo.

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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Here is my submission to the 'Fstoppers' Behind The Scenes ( BTS ) video contest. The guys that run the site say there are about 60-some entries. Some are fantastic and blow mine away by 10 miles. At least I gave it a go. I had help shooting the video, big thanks to Chris Bridges, I could not have done it without him.

Omaha Farmers Market shoot with the Nikon D5000 from Joe Cubicle on Vimeo.

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Happy Birthday and Missing Steps

Today is my little girl's 15th birthday. Happy Birthday sweetie.

Also, the heat is stomping the midwest with humidity!!

We're getting our side steps tore out and replaced, work started yesterday, here's a pic:

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